We value our referral partners and the relationships created...
We understand how you expect your clients to be treated...
We promise to you, to hold your client’s hand throughout this process,
while keeping you updated and in the loop...
Thank You for your trust!
How to Connect Clients:
---Have Them Call A 700 Credit Repair Portfolio Manager Direct At- 972-279-0444
---Email Us Their Info such as their Name, Phone Number, Credit Report to:
newlead@700creditrepair.com. From there will reach out to them direct and keep you updated of our conversations.
---Have Them Email Us Direct - info@700creditrepair.com
--- Through FaceBook Messenger - You can connect them with us via FB messenger through the
700 Credit Repair Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/700CreditRepair/
Billy’s FB Page - and we will connect with our team.